3800 Cornucopia Way
Suite A
Modesto, CA 95358
(209) 525-6800

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Merced County
Dairy ScienceAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Dairy Cattle / Milk / Other Dairy Prod
- Silage and Green Chop
- Animals and Their Systems
- Animal Production
- Nutrient Utilization in Animals
- Animal Management Systems
Peer Reviewed
Miller, C., D. Meyer, J.M. Heguy, B. Karle, P. Price. 2022. Forage harvested for silage: Methods to measure yield and nitrogen composition. UC ANR Publication 8713, June 2022.
Miller, C., D. Meyer, J.M. Heguy, B. Karle, P. Price. 2022. Methods for collecting representative samples of solid manure for nitrogen analysis. UC ANR Publication 8715, June 2022.
Swanson K.L., H.M. Bill, J. Asmus, J.M. Heguy, J.G. Fadel, E.J. DePeters. 2021. In vitro and in sacco digestibility of almond hulls. The Journal of Agricultural Science 159, 615–621.
Swanson, K.L., H.M. Bill, J. Asmus, J.M. Heguy, and E.J. DePeters. 2021. Feeding high amounts of almond hulls to lactating cows. J. Dairy Science. Vol. 104, Issue 8, 8846-8856.
DePeters, E.J., K.L. Swanson, H. Bill, J. Asmus, J. M. Heguy. (2020). Nutrient composition of almond hulls. Applied Animal Science. Vol. 36, Issue 6, 761-770.
Swanson, K.L., H. Bill, J.M. Heguy, J.Asmus, T.R. Famula, E.J. DePeters. (2020). Retrospective look at a 5-year period of almond hull composition collected by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Applied Animal Science. Vol. 36, Issue 6, 771-776.
- Martins, J.P.; Karle, Betsy, et al. (2019). Needs assessment for cooperative extension dairy programs in California. Journal of Dairy Science. 102:8, 7597-7607.
- Miller, Christine; Heguy, Jennifer, et al. (2019). Optimizing accuracy of sampling protocols to measure nutrient content of solid manure. Waste Management. 85, 121-130.
Meyer, D., B.M. Karle, J.M. Heguy, J.W. Stackhouse, D. Mullinax, D. Lewis. (2018). UC-Industry-Agency partnerships key to success in dairy water quality policy. California Agriculture. 73-1, 40-47.
- Miller, C.M.; Fadel, J.G., et al. (2018). Optimizing accuracy of protocols for measuring dry matter and nutrient yield of forage crops. Science of the Total Environment. 624, 180-188.
Heguy, J.M., D. Meyer, and N. Silva-del-Rio. 2016. A survey of silage management practices on California dairies. Journal of Dairy Science, 99:1649-1654
Robinson, P.R., N. Swanepoel., J.M. Heguy, P.L. Price, D. Meyer. 2016. 'Shrink' losses in comercially sized corn piles: quantifying total losses and where they occur. Science of the Total Environment, 542, Part A: 530-539.
Robinson, P.R., N. Swanepoel., J.M. Heguy, P.L. Price, D. Meyer. 2016. 'Shrink' losses, and where they occur, in commerically sized silage piles constructued from immature and mature cereal crops. Science of the Total Environment, 559: 45-52.
Cassinerio, C.A., J.G. Fadel, J.Asmus, J.M. Heguy, S.J. Taylor, and E.J. DePeters. 2015. Tomato seeds as a novel byproduct feed for lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 98:4811-4828.
Heguy, J.M., C.A. Cassinerio, J.G. Fadel, J. Asmus, S.J. Taylor and E.J. DePeters. 2015. Nutrient composition and total tract apparent digestibility of whole tomato seeds by sheetp. Professional Animal Scientist, 31: 462-466.
Meyer, D.M., P.H. Robinson, P.L. Price, and J.M. Heguy. 2015. Determination of silage face surface area on commercial California dairy farms. Grass and Forage Science. doi: 10.1111/gfs.12160
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Dairy Health and Production - Chair
- Dairy Quality Assurance - Member