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Roger Duncan - Pomology Advisor



Linked data is from the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) weather stations. Visit CIMIS web site.

Stanislaus County Stations

The Scoop on Fruits & Nuts

Produced by Roger Duncan, Pomology and Viticulture Advisor, Stanislaus County. You can receive email notification when the next newsletter is posted.

Issue Articles Type
A visual guide to identifying invasive carpophilus beetle damage in almonds: differentiating carpop

Carpophilus beetle ID web

Carpophilus Extension Event

“The carpophilus beetle California workgroup is organizing a Zoom webinar on July 9, 3-6 pm to inform California’s nut crop growers and industries about the newly invasive pest. In this webinar, we coordinated with research scientists, growers, and industry professionals from Australia to share their knowledge and experiences dealing with the carpophilus beetle in the last 10 years. I hope you will be able to join this informational session.


Please register using this link:


The Scoop on Fruits and Nuts - Summer 2024

In this issue:

  • Roger Duncan Retiring July 1, 2024
  • Recent Field Trial in Stanislaus County
  • First Detection of Red Leaf Blotch: A New Disease of Almond in California
  • Irrigation Management for Non-Bearing Walnuts