May 19, 2020 | View All Issues
Good morning,
As we communicated previously, we will be holding a “virtual” Tree & Vine IPM Breakfast Meeting organized by the Stanislaus County UCCE Pomology and IPM Advisors as a webinar series. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday May 20, 2020, from 7-8 am. In this meeting, we will share updates on pest management related topics that are relevant to growers and pest control advisers. We have requested one hour of DPR continuing education credit for the ‘Other’ category. To be eligible for the CE credit, attendees are required to pass with at least 70% correct. Multiple attempts are allowed.
To join this webinar, you need to have the ‘Microsoft Team’ app installed on your smartphone or computer. Please install the app in advance of the meeting.
Link to install Microsoft Teams app:
If the join Microsoft link above does not work, use the link below:
(278KB PDF)