2013 Irrigation and Nutrient Meeting

Feb 14, 2013

Dear CropManage users,

UC Cooperative Extension, Monterey County will host an annual Irrigation and Nutrient Meeting in Salinas on Tuesday, February 26, between 7:45 am and 1:45 pm.  The meeting will be held at the Agricultural Center at 1432 Abbott St, Salinas CA.

This meeting will be an opportunity to learn more about CropManage as well as research on irrigation and nutrient management of vegetables (see agenda below).   We will serve a pizza lunch  after the morning session and host a mini-workshop highlighting CropManage between 12:45 and 1:45 pm.  

We hope to see you there.

Michael Cahn and Richard Smith



University of California Cooperative Extension, Monterey County

2013 Irrigation and Nutrient Management Meeting

Agricultural Center 1432 Abbott Street, Salinas, CA

Tuesday, February 26

7:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.


7:45             Registration and Refreshments

8:00             Salt water intrusion update  Tamara Voss, Groundwater Hydrologist, Monterey County Water Resources Agency

8:30             Evaluating efficiency of irrigation systems    Tom Lockhart, Staff Research Associate, UC Cooperative Extension, Monterey County

9:00             Introduction to CropManage: an online irrigation and nutrient management tool Mike Cahn, Irrigation and Water Resources Farm Advisor, Monterey County

9:30             ET-based irrigation scheduling of cool season vegetables Lee Johnson, Senior Research Scientist, CSUMB/NASA    

10:00           Break

10:30           Strategies to remove nitrate and phosphate from tile and surface waters Tim Hartz, Vegetable Crops Specialist, UC Davis

11:00           Fertilizer technology evaluations and nitrogen uptake by vegetables Richard Smith, Vegetable Crops Farm Advisor, Monterey County

11:30           Soil and plant nutrition of potassium for vegetables  Stuart Pettygrove, Extension Soils Specialist, UC Davis

12:00           Conclusion and Pizza Lunch

 Afternoon Session:

12:45           Mini-workshop on CropManage and the quick nitrate soil test for improving nitrogen and water management of vegetables

Mike Cahn, Barry Farrara, and Richard Smith

 1:45             Conclusion    


*  Sponsors: University of California Cooperative Extension; Resource Conservation District (RCD);

*  Certified Crop Advisor Credits have been requested

*  For more information call Richard Smith 759-7357 or Michael Cahn 759-7377


By Michael D Cahn
Author - Farm Advisor, Irrigation and Water Resources