UC Davis Entomology and Nematology Retiring Faculty Amass 247 Years of Service

247 years!

The seven faculty members honored at the UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology's recent retirement luncheon amassed an amazing 247 years of service:

  • UC Davis distinguished professor James Carey, 44 years, faculty member since 1980. He retired in June.
  • UC Davis distinguished professor Richard Karban, 42 years, faculty member since 1982. He retired in June.
  • UC Davis distinguished professor emerita Lynn Kimsey, 35 years, faculty member since 1989. She retired Feb. 1, 2024.
  • Robert Kimsey, adjunct professor, 35 years, faculty member since 1989. He retired in June
  • UC Davis distinguished professor Jay Rosenheim, 34 years, faculty member since 1990. He retired in June.
  • UC Davis distinguished professor Diane Ullman, 29 years, faculty member since 1995. She retired in June.
  • Sharon Lawler, professor emerita, 28 years, faculty member since 1995. She retired in January 2023.

Read about them on our UC Davis Entomology and Nematology website, with links to individual stories. You may have interacted with one or more of them through their research, teaching or public service.

As molecular geneticist and physiologist Joanna Chiu, professor and chair of the department, said prior to the retirement luncheon: “Our retiring faculty will leave behind some very big shoes to fill. “They have set the bar very high for all of us with their passion to lifelong scientific exploration, perseverance to achieve intellectual and mentoring excellence, and dedication to the department, UC Davis, and external stakeholders. We are so proud to call them colleagues and mentors and they will no doubt continue to inspire us to carry on their legacy. It is with our most sincere appreciation that we wish all of them the best in their new endeavors and adventures in this next chapter of their lives."

247 years of service!