CropManage Hands-on Workshop is Scheduled for Thursday April 2nd

Mar 4, 2015

CropManage Workshop: Hands-on training

Monterey County Agricultural Center Conference Room

 1432 Abbott St, Salinas CA 93901

Thursday, April 2nd 2015

(8:30 am – 12 pm)


We will offer a hands-on training to learn in depth about the features of CropManage, a free online decision support tool for water and nutrient management of coastal crops.  In addition to head and romaine lettuce, CropManage now supports broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and strawberries.

Considering that the drought is continuing into a 4th year, and nutrient management continues to be linked to water quality regulations, efficiently using water and nitrogen fertilizer is a high priority for Central Coast growers. CropManage can play an important role in providing quick decision support on water and nutrient management on a field-by-field basis.

This training will provide an opportunity to learn how to use CropManage for improving the efficiency of your farming operations or for adding value to your consulting services.  We will provide in depth hands-on training so that you can learn step-by-step how to navigate and use CropManage for assisting with fertilizer and water management decisions and record keeping. Wi-Fi internet access is available at our conference room so please bring a laptop or tablet computer so that you can follow along as we tour through the features of the software.   There should be sufficient time to answer questions as we cover the following topics: 


8:30 – 9:00 Registration and Refreshments

9:00 – 9:30 Introduction and update on CropManage

9:30-10:15 Getting started with CropManage

10:15  (Break)

10:30 – 11:15 Strategies for using CropManage for decision support and record keeping

11:15- 11:45 Advanced features and interfacing sensors with CropManage

11:45-12:00  Discussion of new features or changes needed.

To keep the group size manageable so that we can provide individual help, we would like to limit the workshop to 30 participants.  If you have attended previous workshops and or feel proficient in using the on-line tool, then you are welcome to just attend the second half of the workshop (10:30-12 pm).  Whether or not you plan to attend the entire or part of the workshop, please RSVP in advance by sending an email to or with the subject heading “CropManage workshop” and let us know the number of participants in your group.  We will email you a confirmation. Thank you, and I hope to see you soon.


Michael Cahn, Irrigation and Water Resources Advisor

Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties

Certified Crop Adviser CEU hours requested (1.5 hrs irrigation management, 1.5 hrs nutrient management)



By Michael D Cahn
Author - Farm Advisor, Irrigation and Water Resources