Updated Website!

Apr 3, 2014

This year is flying by! Everything you need to know about the State 4-H Horse Classic is posted on the website,

Here: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Events/Horse_Classic/  

Check the website out to get current information! We have numerous open classes including our Miniature classes sp check out the class schedule! 

Registration is live online as well as paper forms! The State 4-H Horse Classic Participants Premium is on the website! 

Early Bird Registration Ends May 1st! 

Register early to Save some $$

Also to save money and help support the State 4-H Horse Classic is to bring in Sponsors! Sponsors this year will be featured in our program, around the grounds, and during events. 

*** Exhibitors bringing in sponsors may reduce their entry fees **

$100 - $249 sponsorships = 15% off class fees

$250 - $499 sponsorships = 20% off class fees

$500 - $999 sponsorships = 30% off class fees

$1000 + sponsorships = Free class fees


Get enough sponsorships and get all your CLASS FEES paid for!

More information is on the website: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Events/Horse_Classic/