2016 Equine Field Day

Dec 3, 2015

2016 Equine Field Day

Dec 3, 2015

Equine Field Day Flyer edited

Registration for the 2016 Equine Field Day is now open! The Equine Field Day will be held at Fresno State on February 20, 2016. Workshops will be presented on various equine related topics. We will have both youth and adult tracks with five 45 minute sessions throughout the day. Youth and adults both need to register.

Register today at http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=16766!

Early Bird Registration:

$10 fee for 4-H Members and active 4-H Volunteers

$15 fee for non 4-H Members and Adults

*Early bird registration ends February 12, 2016. 

Late Registration/Walk-ins: 

$15 fee for 4-H Members and active 4-H Volunteers

$20 fee for non 4-H Members and Adults

For more information about the event, please visit http://4h.ucanr.edu/4-H_Events/4H_Equine_Field_Day/ or contact Alyssa Sankey, State Program Representative for Animal Science Education, ajsankey@ucanr.edu

I hope to see you on February 20th!